
Welcome to the Governance pages of Stoke on Trent College. Here you can find out more about the Governing Body of the College.

Last updated: 24 April, 2024


Strong governance is a key element of any successful College. Governors are collectively responsible for the strategic oversight of their College; leading the drive for improved standards in teaching and learning. Governors are also the guardians of large amounts of public funds, with responsibility for ensuring efficient and effective use of College resources, to ensure it is responsive to workforce trends and the wider communities which it serves.

Jeremy Cartwright

Chair of the Corporation

What does the Governing Body do?

Under the Articles of Association, which govern its operations and functions, the Governing Body (known formally as the Corporation), is primarily collectively responsible for:

  • Setting the strategy and agreeing the organisation’s mission statement.
  • Overseeing and ensuring quality of provision.
  • Effective and efficient use of resources and solvency of the institution.
  • Creating a safe, secure and inclusive learning environment.

The Governing Body works closely with the college executive managers but the day to day management of the College is very much the responsibility of the Principal and the Senior Management Team.

How often does the Governing Body meet?

The Governing Body generally meets monthly to consider the strategic direction of the College and to monitor the College’s performance. A small number of separate committees are also held to review specialist areas in the College, e.g. Finance and Resources.

Minutes from meetings and committees are made available to the public on the College website. A limited number of items may be deemed ‘confidential’ and the policy for determining confidentiality is clearly explained in the statement of governance policies which you can find in the Policies page of this section.

External Board Review 2023-24

Stoke on Trent College had an External Board Review from November 2023 to February 2024. The Review was carried out by the AoC with Rob Lawson as reviewer. The Review is a requirement for all colleges every three years as set out in the Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022.

 The Review concluded:

“that there is strong evidence that the Board is highly proficient and consistently impacts positively on college strategy, effectiveness, and outcomes.”

The Board of Governors welcomed the feedback on the Review and was pleased with the strengths identified and the useful ideas to improve. As a result, they are consolidating the Review findings into the annual action plan for Governance which is reviewed regularly by the board.

For further information please contact Kay Kavanagh, Director of Governance.

Interested in becoming a Governor?

The College is keen to involve people of all ages and cultural backgrounds in governance. We strive to have a diverse and representative Governing Body, working together to make a real difference to the learning experiences and opportunities available to our students. If you would like more information on becoming a Governor at Stoke on Trent College please contact Kay Kavanagh, on 07786 113868  or email:

Note: Governor positions are voluntary and no remuneration is paid. Reasonable travel expenses can be reimbursed.

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